Friday, April 19

Sunny Windy Weather Walk

One of my favorite things to do as a family is walk. This week we had some beautiful walking days. Pure blue skies...  photo 5_zps41bf4503.jpg
It was a little windy I admit. But I know I'd be in big trouble if ever I complained about that. I'll take sunny windy weather over snow and cold any day.  photo 8_zps780aa739.jpg
 I did some thrifting last weekend and was thrilled to find a five for fifteen deal on clothes. When I thrift shop I rarely find five items in one place that I like enough to buy, but I figured I'd scour the racks with a deal like that. After all, if I only liked four of the five items, four for fifteen bucks was still a fantastic price to me. Even three for fifteen didn't seem too bad. But wouldn't ya know it? God blessed me with five adorable items. Each $3.00 apiece. The heart sweater above is one of my five. I ultimately would love to style it with red skinnies and a fun patterned collared shirt underneath. But alas, I kinda like it this way too. What do you think?  photo 3_zpscc1b9ffd.jpg 
 Sweater - Thrifted 
Top - Herbergers 
Leggings - Express 
Boots - I can't remember (ages old) 
Sunglasses - Hubby's
Scarf - Handmade (by me) 

Linking up with The Pleated Poppy, Monday Mingle, and Watch Out for the Woestman's


  1. The sweater is so cute! Great find :) You look great!!

  2. What?!!!! That sweater is thrifted?!!?? Thats wild! Rocks my retinas for sure! Your whole outfit is adorable!!!!! And yes! It's been sooo windy! Are you in SD?

  3. Looks like a great adventure you guys had :) Hoping this finds you all doing well Courtney! Hugs!

  4. Awe, Courtney, I'm so sorry it's been so long since I came visit you! :/ You look amazing! Hope your family is doing great ;D.


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