Tuesday, January 8

Thank You In Polaroids

A friend surprised me with the sweetest little box of gifts this week. I was so blessed by it I just have to share a few pics. Photobucket 
All the items she sent are wonderfully artsy, handmade, and organic. Love this hand-embroidered card and beautiful glass heart... Photobucket This hand-knit finger puppet made by Peruvian mothers living in poverty. You can find more of their lovely little creations here.Photobucket Love this soap bar she sent for baby Jack. She also sent a honey-scented one for the adults in our house... Photobucket Love this soothing meditation balm and baby bath...Photobucket And this adorable little heart ornament which I'm about to add to our tiny Christmas tree. And yes, our Christmas tree is still up and will probably be up until February. Can't quite bring myself to say goodbye...

Thank you Jenni for the gifts and for making my day brighter!

1 comment:

  1. Aww that's so sweet of her. My christmas tree is still up. I'm also contemplating leaving it there for possibly another month.


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