Wednesday, March 14

A Sunny Colorful Day

A new scarf can add such a terrific pop of color to a neutral-toned outfit. Photobucket
Of course, having the ocean in the background doesn't hurt either. Photobucket  Photobucket Seriously, the flowers in California are so beautiful. I find a new one everyday it seems. Photobucket 
Yet another lovely day... Photobucket Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about my little crochet project I've promised to share. It'll be coming soon...


  1. that second picture of you is just GORGEOUS!

  2. What a cool pop of color! ;)

  3. Looks like California is treating you well. I see you and the hubs are enjoying the beaches!

  4. Girlfriend!
    You look so beautiful here..and I love that you are near the ocean! That is the best place!

    So happy for you guys..the Lord knows the plans for you! So we didn't get to live in Korea..but perhaps we'll meet someday!

    Are you near L.A? We'll be there in June!

  5. Ahhhh!!! The BEACH! I love the beach! I hope it's nice weather on Saturday, if it is we plan on heading to the beach! I love adding accessories to add the 'pop' to an outfit! Very cute!


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