Monday, September 5

From Head to Toe

In case you hadn't guessed it, this is an outfit post. I haven't done one in awhile and was feeling inspired to photograph what I wore on this gorgeous day. James took me for a long walk to a coffee shop where I sat and did homework for an hour or two. Here's what I wore:


Outfit Details...
Hat: Express
Earrings: Along for the Ride
Scarf: gift from a friend from Italy
Purse: T.J. Max
Sweater: Target
Dress: Express
Leggings: gift from my mother
Shoes: Eco-tique

Yes, I am wearing black on black on black with a brown accessory. Yikes! Or maybe not. I like to think the fashion rules that told us never to mix brown and black are a thing of the past. Have you broken any "fashion rules" lately?


  1. What a cute outfit! I used to hate breaking fashion "rules" but now I find a strange pleasure in doing so. =D I love those shoes!

  2. Love those shoes! They're adorable.

  3. the scarf and bag are sooooo pretty!!!! i love the colors!


    ps i'm putting your button on my sidebar, i love your blog, hope that is ok :)

  4. that fashion rule is definitely wayyyyy out the window!! and really, how many fashion rules are followed at all anymore?! haha all summer {and probably even more this fall!} I've found myself mixing brown, black, navy and grey all in the same outfit-- and it works! so kudos to you for nailing it!


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